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#333 First Floor, Part A
Brentwood, TN 37027

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LEAD Public Schools

LEAD Middle School Teachers Reflect on the Class of 2024

As the academic year draws to a close, the halls of LEAD Public Schools resonate with a sense of nostalgia and pride as our middle school teachers pause to reflect on the remarkable journey of their former students, the graduating class of 2024 – many of whom have been students at LEAD since their fifth grade year. Below are a few highlights from what our teachers had to say. 


John Michael Capps, LEAD Southeast Middle School 
7 years at LEAD
Formerly: 8th grade math teacher
Currently: Math interventionist

“When I think of the senior class I think of resilience. When they were in 8th grade I can genuinely say that was one of my all-time favorite years of teaching. Sadly it got cut off short when COVID hit that spring, but they still were able to persevere through that. I just think of how hard it would have been to end 8th grade virtually and start high school virtually as well. Graduating high school is such an exciting and scary time. There is endless potential and multiple unknowns. I would say to continue to work hard and be true to yourself and stick to what got you this far. I really do miss them and am excited to see what lies ahead for them!”


Ashley Tate, LEAD Cameron 
6 years at LEAD
Currently: 7th grade math teacher

“This senior class is literally a bunch of joy! A few words to describe the class of 2024 would be fun, comedians, smart, caring, relationship focused, adaptable, bold, helpful, and hard-working. Passing them in the halls, I’ve seen so much growth in these students. The maturity and how they are speaking so much positivity about college is amazing.”


Kirsten Lindquist, LEAD Cameron
10 years at LEAD
Formerly: 7th grade English teacher
Currently: Instructional manager

“Looking back on pictures, what jumps out are kids who were filled with joy and were genuinely kind. In the years since they were in 7th grade, they’ve maintained their kind spirits, often being the first to initiate a ‘hello’ or conversation. What I’ve been amazed by, though, is the drive that has come from this group. They’ve set their sights on big dreams and are going full steam ahead to reach them.”


Katie Lerg, LEAD Cameron
10 years at LEAD
Formerly: 5th grade math teacher
Currently: Math coach

“This was a spunky class that brought a ton of joy. They were a group that had so much personality that the 5th grade team had to come together a few different times to find the best ways to celebrate their individuality while challenging them to leverage their unique qualities. My hopes for the class of 2024 are that they find true happiness in whatever path forward that they chose. I hope they find something that creates a sense of purpose, joy, and fulfillment in their lives. I also hope they come back and visit their old 5th grade teachers to share the many, many successes I know they will have in their life!”


Elizabeth Phelps, LEAD Cameron
8 years at LEAD
Currently: 6th grade social studies teacher

“The middle school version of the class of 2024 was resilient, spirited, quirky, motivated and driven, kind, loving, hilarious, talented, stubborn, and one of a kind! One of the perks of working at Cameron is being connected to LEAD Academy. I get to witness my former students embark upon their upper-middle school and high school journeys in real time. I love when I hear my name shouted across the hallway or cafeteria, followed by a gaggle of waving hands, or quick hugs, but the best part is the ‘Ms. Phelps, I can’t wait to tell you about…’ or ‘Gosh, I am so sorry for the way I acted in 6th grade. I have really grown since then.’ or ‘Thank you for always challenging me and believing in me. It paid off, I got a full ride to college.’ If I had to identify a trait that has remained the same since the class of 2024 was in middle school, it would be ‘challenging the status quo.’ This class has never been afraid to ask hard questions, respectfully question authority, set and meet ambitious goals, and hold themselves, their school, and their community to a higher standard.”


Congratulations to the class of 2024! Your former teachers, current teachers, and the entire LEAD community are cheering you on as you embark on your next endeavor. We consider you LEADers for life.

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