7101 Executive Center Dr
#333 First Floor, Part A
Brentwood, TN 37027

Phone: (615) 815-1264


LEAD Public Schools

The LEAD Student Survey

Within the next two weeks, every student will have the opportunity to participate in two short surveys. If you do NOT want your student to participate in the Student Survey, please sign and return the Opt-Out Form.

While other students are completing the survey, your student will be asked to complete an academic task on a computer. Do not return this form if you are fine with your student participating.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call one of the school counselors.

Read the questions included in the survey below:


Part one of The LEAD Student Survey asks questions to get students’ perspective of their learning environment. The purpose is to get feedback from students about their educational experience and to use that feedback to inform our practices. The responses to questions from part one are viewed by the school’s leadership team. Students will be asked if they agree or disagree with the following:

  1. I feel connected to my school community – like I belong.
  2. I feel physically safe at school
  3. I feel safe on the school bus
  4. I feel safe participating in my classes
  5.  I have an adult in the school I know I can trust
  6.  I think it is important to go to school everyday
  7. My teachers believe in me
  8. My Crew cares about me
  9. My school is challenging
  10. My school is joyful*
  11. I know I can learn when I work hard
  12. It is okay to make mistakes in class
  13. I feel confident in my reading skills
  14. I choose to read for fun or in my spare time
  15. I am comfortable reading aloud in at least one of my classes
  16. My school is a good place to learn*
  17. ALL school staff have high expectations of me
  18. Interactions between students and adults at my school demonstrate care and mutual respect*
  19. Students at my school value each others differences (e.g., gender, race, culture, ability, sexual identity, learning differences).*
  20. I am aware of college and career options available to me after I graduate high school.
  21. One thing I love about my school is…

Part 2

The results of Part Two of the Student Survey will be used to create small groups run by counselors, tutoring and additional academic support opportunities for students who need it, as well as individual interventions. We know that student success is dependent upon us meeting our students where they are academically and emotionally.

Students will be asked if they agree or disagree with the following:

  1. I feel safe at home.
  2. I have at least one friend I talk to at school.
  3. I am being bullied, made fun of, or teased by people at school.
  4. I feel nervous and worried a lot of the time, even when it seems that others don’t
  5. I feel sad or depressed most days.
  6. I am happy with the person that I am.
  7. In the past year I have needed help dealing with the loss of someone close to me (ex. death, jail, deportation, etc.)
  8. I experience problems or conflicts at home that make it difficult for me to focus when I’m at school. (ex. divorce, arguments, fights, responsibilities, etc.)
  9. My family and I need help having enough food to eat during times of the year that I am not in school-long weekends, holidays, summer breaks.
  10. In the past year, I have seen violence or have been in dangerous situations.
  11. In the past year I have thought about hurting myself on purpose.
  12. In the past year I have thought about not being alive.
  13. The place I feel safest is…
  14. I want the school counselors to know…
  15. The one thing I need the most help with is…
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