7101 Executive Center Dr
#333 First Floor, Part A
Brentwood, TN 37027

Phone: (615) 815-1264


LEAD Public Schools

LEAD Announces Remote Learning Plan Details for 2020-2021

LEAD Public Schools will be opening the 2020-2021 school year remotely with a remote learning program that includes live online classes with teachers and recorded lessons that can be referenced by students at their own learning pace.

Our online school model mirrors as much as possible the in-person school vision for great teaching and our normal student experience at LEAD Public Schools. This means our middle and high schools will be providing students with at least four (4) hours of remote live instruction each day. LEAD’s online continuous learning plan was built to allow consistency throughout the day for students and parents.


  • Consistency for Students: The student experience will mirror the traditional classroom experience at LEAD.
    • Every day students will engage in virtual classes in much the same way they do when we are in person.
    • Our goal is to continue the same routines and habits of learning in the remote classroom as we expect when we are together in our buildings.
  • Consistency for Parents: The parent experience has been designed to create consistent practices throughout the virtual school day.
    • Middle and high school students will begin their remote school day at the same time as their in-person schools begin.
    • At all of our schools, parents can generally expect their student to be engaged in four (4) hours of consecutive live learning each day, concentrated in the morning.
    • The afternoons consist of providing support and opt-in learning experiences through opportunities like clubs, office hours and related arts activities that our students can choose to engage with as time allows.

Middle School Information

LEAD middle schools (Brick Church, Cameron, Neely’s Bend and LEAD Southeast) will provide the following: 

  • 60 minutes of Math and English Language Arts (ELA) live online instruction;
  • 30 minutes of Science and Social Studies live online instruction on average each school day.
  • 60 Minutes of Intervention with a mix of live interactions, blended learning and other school-specific approaches.
  • 60 Minutes of Related Arts with a mix of live and taped instruction and sessions for students to access online.
  • 30 Minutes of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in the form of crew, homeroom, etc.


  • Student attendance will be taken during live instruction and reported to the state each day.
  • Students must attend all live classes to receive class participation credit which will count toward their final grade.
  • If a student experiences technical difficulties that prohibit logging in in a virtual environment, the student must contact their school immediately in order to be counted present for that day.
  • Chronic absenteeism and truancy will mirror the state policy.
  • Teachers will host Zoom calls for live classroom instruction and store all classroom materials, including handouts, in their Google Classroom sites.
  • Teacher Google Classroom links will be posted on our school web pages and distributed through our Closed Facebook Groups for parents as the school year begins. We will also post school schedules on our website and in our Closed Facebook Groups.
  • Length of school day: 6.5 hours as required by the state and Metro district (4 hours with live online interaction with teachers; 2.5 dedicated to other options).

High School Information

LEAD high schools (LEAD Academy and LEAD Southeast) will:

  • Continue to run on A/B schedules with 55-minute blocks of live instruction.
  • Each school day will contain 30 minutes of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), including crew, home room and teacher office hours.


  • Student attendance will be taken during live instruction and reported to the state each day.
  • Students must attend all live classes to receive class participation credit which will count towards their final grade.
  • If a student experiences technical difficulties that prohibit logging in in a virtual environment, the student must contact their school immediately in order to be counted present for that day.
  • Chronic absenteeism and truancy will mirror the state policy.
  • Teachers will host Zoom calls for live classroom instruction and store all classroom materials, including handouts, in their Google Classroom sites.
  • Teacher Google Classroom links will be posted on our school web pages and distributed through our Closed Facebook Groups for parents as the school year begins. We will also post school schedules on our website and in our Closed Facebook Groups.
  • Length of school day: 6.5 hours as required by the state and Metro district (4 hours with live online interaction with teachers; 2.5 dedicated to other options).

Even with the COVID-19 pandemic, our academic goal for the 2020-2021 school year is to ensure that all students have the access, support and learning opportunities needed to master the necessary grade or course level goals by April 2021. 

Our schools will be posting and communicating additional information about school-specific schedules in the coming days, including virtual onboarding for parents and students, additional information related to technology. Stay tuned for more information and we cannot wait to start the 2020-2021 school year! 


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