LEAD Public Schools contacts families by text message and email using a service called Possip, which is also used by 1300 schools and almost one million people across the country. LEAD uses Possip to ask for and receive feedback on your happiness and experience with our school/s. LEAD Public Schools and Possip do not share any of your information, and follow federal regulations on student and user privacy.

LEAD Public Schools has the ability to send text messages via Possip. Text messages are used to gather feedback, praise, questions and ideas from you, and you may participate anonymously each and every time you share. You may also opt out of receiving text messages and still share by email.

You can make sure you have updated your contact information on file by calling your school or filling out this form.

To learn more about Possip, visit www.possip.com.  Here’s how it works:

  • About once a month, you will receive a text with a link to complete the survey
  • The survey is only two questions with an option to provide additional feedback
  • The survey should take as little at 30 seconds to complete

Linked is a quick video from Possip walking you through the process.

Also linked here are a set of multilingual letters for parents on how it works